Friday, February 23, 2024
09:00 - 09:10 | Opening session |
Barbara Wollenberg, Andreas Dietz, Jens Peter Klussmann, Stephan Lang |
09:10 - 10:15 | Epithelial mesenchymal transition & Cell signaling | Chairs: Olivier Gires, Klaus-Dietrich-Wolff |
9:10-9:30 | EFGR-dependent EMT and its impact on local invasion of HNSCC | Olivier Gires |
9:30-9:45 | Basic research in the field of head and neck surgery: connection between the hospital bed and the lab | Wojciech Golusiński |
9:45-10:00 | Targeting the interplay of haemostasis and immunology in HNSCC | Christoph Reichel |
10:00-10:15 | The metabolic tumor microenvironment as a therapeutic target structure | Kathrin Renner-Sattler |
10:15 - 11:00 | Coffee break | |
11:00 - 12:25 | Liquid biopsy |
Chairs: Marie-Nicole Theodoraki, Martin Canis |
11:00-11:15 | Exosome-dependent alterations of macrophages in head and neck cancer | Marie-Nicole Theodoraki |
11:15-11:35 | Prognostic and Immunomodulatory function of EVs in Head and Neck Cancer | Jadwiga Jablonska |
11:35-11:55 | Liquid biopsy in head and neck cancer: role of ctDNA and CTCs | Valentin Favier |
11:55-12:15 | Exosomes in HNSCC: What do we know and what can we expect in the future? | Theresa Whiteside |
12:15 - 13:15 | Lunch break | |
12:30 - 13:15 | Industry Symposia: MSD Sharp & Dohme GmbH Development of the therapy in head and neck cancer – where is thejourney going? |
12:30 - 12:50 | Immunotherapy in head and neck cancer: “Current state of the art and view into the future” | Barbara Wollenberg |
12:50 - 13:15 | Passing on the benefits of induction therapy -Resection within old or new boundaries? | Andreas Dietz |
13:15 - 15:15 | Tumor Microenvironment |
Chairs: Stephan Lang, Markus Wirth |
13:15-13:35 | Cells and mechanisms controlling anti-cancer immunity in tumors | Jan Böttcher |
13:35-13:55 | Training T cells to attack HNSCC: Cancer vaccination and beyond for improving immunotherapy | Christian Ottensmeier |
13:55-14:15 | Spatial metabolomics in HNSCC | Nicole Strittmater |
14:15-14:35 | Neutrophils and MDSC in head and neck cancer | Sven Brandau |
14:35-14:50 | Spatial intratumoral heterogeneity in HNSCC | Aron Popovtzer |
14:50-15:05 | Interaction between the immune microenvironment and the microbiome in OPSCC | Timon Hussain |
15:05-15:15 | Tumor microenvironment in oral cancer: The Third Eye of a Tumor. | Sameep Shetty |
15:15 - 15:30 | Coffee break | |
16:30 - 17:30 | New Immunological Therapies |
Chairs: Barbara Wollenberg, Andreas Dietz |
15:30-15:50 | Updates in cancer immunotherapy for locally advanced disease | Bob Ferris |
15:50-16:10 | Oncological Precision Medicine for HNSCC | Christophe Le Tourneau |
16:10-16:30 | Biomarkers in ICI in HNSCC | Robert Haddad |
16:30-16:45 | Palliative tumor therapy with intralesional injection of a TLR7 agonist: a clinical trial | Patrick Schuler & Nora Eifler |
16:45-17:00 | Role of Hsp70 in HNSCC | Ali Bashiri |
17:00-17:15 | Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy in Head and Neck Cancer: The PIONEER Trial | Stephan Lang |
17:15-17:30 | Sponsored talk: Bifunctional EGFR/TGF-ß inhibitor BCA101 with pembrolizumab in R/M HNSCC Sponsor: Bicara therapeutics |
Dan Zandberg |
17:30 - 18:45 | Poster session with beer & crackers Download Abstract-Book |
Moderators: Julius Fischer, Timon Hussain |
19:00 | Social event: Dinner at the Valentinssaal (Wirtshaus in der Au) |
Saturday, February 24, 2024
09:00 - 10:00 |
HPV-related Head and Neck Cancer |
Chairs: Jens Peter Klussmann, Carolin Mogler |
9:00-9:20 | Vaccination in HPV only prophylactic or also therapeutic? | Jens Peter Klussmann |
9:20-9:40 | HPV Liquid Biopsies: Ethical and Practical Considerations | Daniel Faden |
9:40-9:50 | Early detection of HPV-driven cancer: Current status of the Hamburg HPV Oropharyngeal Cancer Screening Study (PHORECAST) | Thorsten Rieckmann |
09:50-10:00 | Differentiation of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells | Felix Oppel |
10:00 - 10:30 | Coffee break | |
10:30 - 12:00 | Molecular Alterations |
Chairs: Jochen Hess, Stephan Hackenberg |
10:30-10:50 | DNA methylation-based classification of head and neck tumors | Philipp Jurmeister |
10:50-11:10 | Molecular pathology of HNSCC | Ruud Brakenhoff |
11:10-11:30 | Cellular and metabolic plasticity in the pathogenesis and therapy of HNSCC | Jochen Hess |
11:30-11:50 | Tumor budding in HNSCC | Fabian Stögbauer |
11:50-12:00 | Targeting Rb/E2F and BRD4 potentiate YB-1 dependent oncolytic virotherapy in HNSCC | Felicia Segeth |
12:00 - 13:00 | Lunch break | |
13:00 - 14:40 | Molecular Imaging & Novel surgical and Radiooncologic therapies |
Chairs: Eben Rosenthal, Andreas Fichter |
13:00-13:20 | Dual modality intraoperative imaging for detection of lymph nodes | Eben Rosenthal |
13:20-13:35 | Head and neck tumor detection via molecular imaging techniques: recent developments and perspectives | Stephan Hackenberg |
13:35-13:50 | PARP based molecular imaging | Susanne Kossatz |
13:50-14:00 | Intraoperative HSP70 Imaging in HNSCC | Markus Wirth |
14:00-14:15 | Clinical studies on minimally invasive surgery in head and neck oncology | Christian Simon |
14:15-14:25 | 3D model based frozen section surgery in HNSCC | Benedikt Schmidl |
14:25-14:40 | Sponsored talk: The first-in-class radioenhancer NBTXR3: From cancer cell destruction to antitumor immune response activation |
Jordan Da Silva |
14:40 - 15:00 | Award ceremony & farewell |
Barbara Wollenberg, incoming president |
16:00 | Social event: |